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How to get stuff done Blog

How to get stuff done

When you are running a small business, especially as a solo entrepreneur, it is hard to know how to get everything done.  You have to take care of marketing, client manager, finances, providing the product and service.

It can feel so overwhelming!

Here are some ideas on how to get stuff done:

  1. Determine what your most important tasks are each day (even better the night before) and do them first. If you get nothing else done that day, at least you took care of the most important things that provide you with income instead of getting caught up on Facebook
  2. Don’t look at your email all day long – choose 2 times a day to catch up on emails – I generally like 10am and 2pm.  That way I can get my most important tasks done first and then take care of emails.  Aim to empty your email inbox by the end of the day too by either filing it or answering it.
  3. Start work an hour early – my most productive time of the day is early in the morning – I find that if I work from 6am-7am – I will get so much more done than later in the day –I also do not have things distracting my away like phone calls and emails.
  4.  Plan – if you don’t know exactly where you are headed, how can you prioritise tasks.  Each week, check that you have been moving closer to each of these goals and if not, look at changes you can make to get there.
  5. Last one – don’t be a slave to your phone or txts.  Plan a time each day when you will return phone calls or txts – that way you will be more productive and have a lot less interruptions.

I know these 5 things have made a big difference to getting my stuff done.

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